As the Washington Post reports, Sarah has cancelled her ill-advised journey to Sudan for the July 9 independence ceremony of South Sudan.
And as was widely reported earlier, she’s also abandoned her U.S. bus tour after just the one leg that ended with her embarrassing blunder about Paul Revere’s ride.
The excuse, such as it is, seems to be that it’s prime fishing season in Alaska.
But that makes no sense. Sarah hates fishing, and only pretends to like it when in front of a television camera.
And it’s not like Alaska’s current nineteen hours of daylight per day is a new phenomenon she just felt she couldn’t pass up.
Something has thrown her badly off course, and it’s not just publication of Bristol’s trashy ghost-written “memoir.”
All guesses as to what it might be are welcome.
Hey, wait a minute, do you suppose she’s p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t?
In any event, at least this summer she doesn’t have to worry about me watching her mow her lawn with Trig on her back.
Instead, I’m planning to attend next week’s Rosanne Cash concert at Bard College.
Kudos, Joe.
!) Track’s wife giving birth, oh how to spin it?
2)”One Nation” trademark lawsuit?
3) Bachmann?
4) Sp clusterfuck
Maybe Britta is pregnant and she’s going to take another bullet for her children.
How about Franklin Graham’s wife taking him to task about the rumors regarding him and the Queen?
Money? SaraPAC must burn cash like a drunk in a liquor store
Things we don’t know about yet coming to a head? She’s gone back to AK, it’s hot in AZ but it’s odd she’s pulled them all back there.
Right on about Sudan, good call. Keep up the pressure. I suspect she’s beginning to crack
She’s not going to Sudan because you said she wouldn’t….simple as that! 🙂
Uh huh prime fishing season…That’ll work…Liar,Liar, $creech..
Joe, An idea has sprung to life that I would like to forward to your followers. Please advise if I am not seeing a “down side” to this. The Palinistas are gearing up for their Alamo moment with the Diva of Drivel- the release of The Undefeated. If every one of us goes to C4P and clicks on the movie theaters where it will debut and buy one or two or more tickets and just not show up (don’t think any of us could take it frankly), the silence would be deafening. Imagine all of those “journalists” showing up to cover the sold out weekend – and no one shows up to the ball. What do you think? I am in in a big way.
THE Idiot has tweeted abt her bus tour.
Sarah has collected enough money from her pac from her Pee-on’s to pay Todd off for the D-E-V-O-I-C-E, wasn’t that cost reported to be around twenty-two million dollars?
Sorry I spelled Divorce wrong, couldn’t correct it.
You were right Joe. She is not going to Sudan. Maybe Franklin canceled on her due to the rumors.
my guess is she never intended to finish that sham bus tour and justhas no real interest in those poor people , they are black you know, of the Sudan.
but….knowing the mental case that palin is i am sure there is much more to it….my guess is she is getting the word that bashing the mccains was a BIG mistake and also by now the grifter must realize the other loon bachmann has passed her…
my prediction??
expect fox to let her go within 3 months!
Cassie, I replied to you on IM, but I’ll put it here, too. This is a bad idea. Here’s why: liberals will lose their money and they’ll still fill the theaters with waiting lists of Sarah’s supporters, and charge them, too. Guaranteed they would compile waiting lists. So your plan puts liberal $$ into conservative hands and stops nothing.
“Graham said he spoke with Palin last week, when she told him that other obligations prevented her from making the trip. She told him that her commitment to visiting Sudan another time is as strong as ever, but that the timing for this trip simply didn’t work.”
“other obligations” paid events?
where as to Sudan she bags no $.
ps. – we’ll have to act quickly, when the Palinistas get wind of this, they will be maxing out their GOP Visa cards (if they are not already at their credit limits having funded Sarah’s travel, meals, hair and makeup) to stop us. I feel a silly glee imaging the sound of the silence being broken in the corn field by chirping crickets.
I raised the question earlier today that there might be a possibility she has to deal with questions about taking a huge tax write-off for her
reality showmulti-part political advertisement.It could be any of the above reasons or speculations, or a combination, or some other totally ridiculous set of reasons. Here actions sometimes defy logic, I’ve been told….
Here’s my 2 cents. I think the Sudan Trip was really about the South Sudan Independence deal…..that occurs on July 9, I believe. What Sarah REALLY wanted on this trip was the photo op with Lady Thatcher. That was the REAL reason for the tirp. That would occur at or after the unveiling of the Reagan statue in the UK, and on July 4.
My guess is that there have been talks between Sarah’s people and Thatcher’s and the Thatcher people have said “no way, Jose” to her even being seen near Sarah.
Sarah really wanted that photo op! The photo op with the kids and people of South Sudan with Franklin would have been a nice thing to add to her website, but the Thatcher deal was job #1.
Just my thoughts……WHo knows?
How about – the baseball bat she bought from Tonya Harding to go after Michelle Bachman with has a crack in it, so she’s getting ready to get a hockey stick to go after Tonya for cheating her.
O/T, but Friends of Joe, you are needed over at the reviews of Bristol’s book at amazon.com. Suddenly the one-star reviews was-this-useful-to-you “yes” clicks are being overwhelmed by Palinbots, who similarly adore the five-star “Wow Birstol is a strong girl and a real roll modle” reviews.
Friends, click!
The crap about fishing season and 19-hour days is so disingenuous. She was well aware of the time of year when she scheduled her tour. It’s kinda like forgetting where your baby was born or whether you carried him for 7 1/2 or 8 months. Wait…maybe that IS the reason!
Joe, I’m glad you were right about her cancelling the Sudan trip. I’m sure it’s not because she thought it would be inappropriate, though. I think there’s a storm a-brewing up there in Wasilly. Too bad you’re not still there!
Please see my reply to you above, Cassie. This is a bad idea, IMHO.
At the very least, his advisors may have nixed it and forbidden her presence. The Globe article isn’t pretty (flattering), to say the least. And the Globe is acting like they know a lot more than they are publishing at this time. If their rumor is true, now THAT would be another best-seller.
It would make sense that her hidden financial backers have decided that that is enough – she is not going to get it done for them so she gets shown the door. Rather bland really but perhaps enough to make her shut up.
It would be delicious if a scandal were about to break but we have been there before and she is still standing.
Perhaps dwindling secret hush money may………..
A couple of months ago there was a short blurb from one of you Alaskans about the Feds descending on Anchorage. I think it was Anchorage but there was never anything else mentioned. That she has retreated from AZ and brought the family with her sounds like they are doing the Alamo thing. It makes me wonder if she’s there because there is a serious legal problem and someone told her to stay close to Wasilla. The silence and the absence of anything more than Brisket’s snark in the book makes me think something is coming down, maybe something we can smell but will surprise us but not bring her joy. Keep at it one and all.
Nah, let em post, anyone who is on the fence about buying that book must just have come out of a coma. I loved the negative posts, they were hysterical and if you go down to the “conversation” part of the page it’s even better. Talk about Sara, Bristol and Willow working their asses off to get their lovefests up there, wonder if Sara has to pay Willow for each word?
Maybe someone in her family put their foot down after the bus tour showed a very unhappy Piper. Maybe the family has intervened and forced her to take responsibility for family matters at home.
Was watching Chris Matthews, US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson was on, discussing candidates, and her answer to whether she’d run or not was a no. Her reason? Because she still has children at home.
My guess for #1 reason Sarah is behaving in mysterious ways — Michele Bachmann
Second — it appears she has cut loose from her RAM A RAMMA DING DONG gal and currently has no rudder.
Plus, any of those supposed campaign professionals she recently supposedly hired up have no doubt wised up (ala Newt’s Troops) and are climbing on board the Pawlenty or Bachmann Express as we speak.
Piper, as campaign manager and/or publicity rep, just isn’t going to get the job done.
Tawd has either gone fishing or is up on the roof. Apparently this summer he isn’t needing to build any fences in Wasilla.
Which makes me wonder who is renting that house, now? Maybe they let the drug addictions halfway house back in, which didn’t seem to cause any neighborly harm to the Palin family when it was located next door before.
But a nosey writer living there? Well we are looking forward to the full story in your book, Joe, come September.
Historically, when there is the sound of ChaChing, she manically tweets. WHen trouble is brewing, or she is off to get a face/boob/chin implant. Silence. Her alter ego RAM is gone to fill in, so my guess is, no good news.
No Dice……it is all about money……why waste good money after bad,but nice try.
Just what I was thinking Sue. Something is up, or as you said, there’s a storm is a-brewing.
Okay I’ll play!
I think it has to do with Trig. I believe she is going to use him as her ‘get out of a presidential campaign free’ card.
Palin uses her mother status, keeps her followers- who will continue to shower her with cash and prizes- and doesn’t have to campaign for a job she doesn’t want and can’t get. She will also avoid losing. Also, when people call her a quitter yet again, her ‘bots have an easy defense: she loves her children! You don’t have a DS child! Liberals hate Trig and motherhood, so they don’t understand!
Now the Queen has issued a facebook proclamation saying (rather IMPLYING) that she canceled the trip because of jury duty. UH HUH.
LOL…they don’t care if you show up. They get your ticket money. Plus, like someone else said, they’ll charge more people for tickets because they always peek in the theater to see if there’s seats left, and when they see half the theater available, they’ll just sell more.
I think it may be Shailey Tripp’s blog post on the 16th when all charges were dropped. She alleges that Todd Palin and his crew recruited men and women to groom them as prostitutes. Check for yourself. http://shaileytripp.yolasite.com/blog/today-was-court-day
Got a link?
Maybe more like being hauled into court. : )
You can get an extension for jury duty. It’s easy.
Could Shailey’s recent bombshell have something to do with it?
I love children which is why I hate Sara for what she’s done with hers. Where is Trig? We keep asking and she won’t put him out there. Is she finally protecting one of her children from the limelight? Little late since she toted him around like a sack of shit for all those months. God, the woman is so sick and evil
I kind of like DE-VOICE. Seems fitting. 😀
I doubt she was really up for Sudan. There’s black people there, right? I think she got her fill of poor black folks in Haiti. As far as the bus tour, that was never really a tour, she just wanted some more footage for The Undefeated Part Deux. As far as being quiet and holed up, in the past it seems to me that it was either because she was getting plastic surgery or busy twisting arms/heading off messes in the background. She’ll emerge soon enough, like a herpes outbreak.
Or add another show, but same point. I think these same bots are over on other blogs trying to pitch this. Any time it’s coordinated like that it has to be coming from Sara. I don’t think we are as stupid as the people they deal with. Their cash flow must be drying up fast. First they shamelessly beg for money, then try to get their bots to buy a hundred dollar DVD and now they have to reach out to US and ask for money? See the cash circling the drain as the tub they thought would never empty drains away
I think she has de-voiced more than a few, probably why they are scraping for money to the extent they are coming here trying to get us to buy tickets to the movie and not show up, thereby foiling her fans. What a freaking laugh
Typical of Sarah Lou to post A Facebook screed at the same time the President is addressing the nation. Just like her show up in NH when ROmney was announcing. Such a narcissist…but so typical.
I love De-voice, pay the money, buy their silence. She’s done it a lot so Toad is just another bump in the road although I’m guessing he’ll cost more than Levi did and a lot more than Meg etal cost her
I won’t be surprised WHEN it happens
Sarah has cancelled her journey to Sudan for the July 9 independence ceremony of South Sudan.
It conflicts with her camping trip with Levi.
Anybody has a canvas tent she can borrow?
Where’s the “like” button?
Fascinating – jury duty, another lie. She probably got her head all screwed on sidewise, read the comments, esp here and IM after talking in vague terms about scheduling conflicts and implying she wanted to be in AK for those 18 hour days and the start of the fishing run. When that was met with hilarity, causing her blood to boil once again, one of her bots must have said she could claim jury duty and that would shut people up.
One person here already pointed out jury duty could be delayed so that’s a lame excuse at best. More importantly, you get advance notice for jury duty so if she knew it was coming why didn’t she say that in the first place or delay it?
Doing Jury duty – isn’t that going to increase her patriotic presence? A rill ‘merican doing jury duty? Photo ops up the butt? So, I’m guessing she called Parnell and he got her assigned to jury duty (that is if she shows up), hell, he’s the governor AND her butt boy so he makes a call to the Legal boys and that’s it. She’s going for jury duty, screw the fishing and family time.
All lies Sara, you concoct this shit on the run because you are desperate, just desperate. And Joe’s book isn’t even out yet
If she has the pull to keep her kids’ names out of the police news, she can get out of jury duty.
It’s a bot scam, just ignore. She’s all over all the other AK blogs selling the same shit
Thank you curious for saying ‘who’ immediately came to my mind when the ‘married man’ story first broke. Just know, you are not out on a ledge by yourself!!
Yes, in Alaska anyone who is on the PFD list gets advance notice of jury duty when they are selected,
i.e. – notice of jury duty for July at the end of May, and on the notice the choice of delaying jury duty up to December.
I smell pants on fire, Sarah.
Lawerence: SHe is a celebrity. Nothing more.
There is also the stories of problems with the title of the AZ property???
Well the first thing that actually came to my mind was reading Joe’s recent post here where he said that if she had not announced by the time the book comes out she won’t and he knew why.
Perhaps she’s figured out what he’s got.
I love joe’s response to that troll. Pretty good smack-down..haha
Maybe it’s just critical mass. She’s being sued by Eustis Kelly, the owner of the “One Nation” trademark. Shailey Tripp is now free to tell it all about Todd. All charges against her were dropped, and she’s ready to speak freely. Where is Trig? That’s not just a small mystery. Three year olds are not supposed to disappear. She’ll need a stage scene very soon, before someone calls Child Protective Services. If that little boy isn’t found, alive and healthy, I would be willing to bet money that SOMEbody has taken and preserved DNA samples from him. If she’s charged with anything, I’d love for the court to insist that she prove she really is the mother. Yay, yay, DNA!
Translation? “My wife has attached an electric wire around my groin and has told me she will keep flipping the light switch on and off until I tell you we aren’t going”. Interesting he claims it was last week but they both decided to keep it quiet until just now? Just when the shoe dropped on the bus tour?
I couldn’t find it exactly, google globe/sarahpalin/franklingraham and you can find it in bits and pieces. not a real story but it’s all there
Will someone but take the Tundra Tramp down? Please, I am getting so tired of hearing about this idiotic woman and her trashy family. Someone has to have the goods on this woman.
Wonder if there’s a LEGAL license secured for the fishing…
Let’s hear it for DNA. I’m sure the thought of giving every one of the Palin clan and several interesting outsider a DNA test and comparing samples might just yield a real treasure trove of surprises
I’ll R&D (rob & duplicate) from Sue:[June 23, 2011 at 12:26 am] ….. Where’s the “like” button?
If I were her, I wouldn’t mess with Tonya.
In the mid 90’s Marilyn Manson was playing the Egan Center in downtown Anchorage. Prevo and other crazy fundy religious types in AK decided to purchase large amounts of tickets and not come to the show. Once the event was seated and the house manager found that there were large areas of seating available the venue opened up “at the door” seating to the hundreds in line for the “Sold out Show”. Manson made double the bucks and the fundie freaks ended up looking stupid and making Manson even wealthier. So, bad idea. When theaters realize there are open seats they sell them at the door to waiting crowds. Let’s not line Sarah’s pockets.
My thoughts too.
Well hello RAM…I wondered when you were going to turn up….and in such a clever disguise (NOT). Dang Woman don’t you know we are ALL smarter than the Dumbest Palinbot and that includes YOU. Tell BigBoss YOU FAILED…AGAIN. Now beat it…grown ups are talking.
I still find it way to coincidental that the Tea Party Express Bus Tour is launching during the “downtime” of Palin’s One Nation Tour. NPR had a nice article on this yesterday and in it is mentioned that the “bus” is actually an RV, an RV wrapped with plastic with only slightly different slogans than Palin’s RV was. Could this be Palin’s RV but with a different “coating”? There aren’t many photos but the ones I’ve seen look like the same Class C motorhome. Remember, Palin doesn’t believe in coincidence.
Here is the link to the NPR story, unfortunately, no photos of the RV. I did see one in passing but can no longer find the link.
Of course it is… for married men!
I’m sure there’s a collective cringe going on at Fox right now. She just doesn’t know when to shut up
Well, she is claiming JURY duty obligations for postponing her money-grabbing bus tour. Wonder if she will claim the same for Sudan. (Anybody here has any connections to the court system up in Alaska, so we could ascertain that she actually DOES have jury duty?)
They’re probably not too happy with paying the cancellation fees for Sarah’s bus tour, so they figure they’ll get the money from us. It would probably work over at Sea O’ Pee, but we’re a little more logical than that.
It’s RAM or one of the family creating the “idea” all over the blogs tonight. Read it again and you can seen more of Brisket, Sara or Willow in it. The language is about eighth grade, sadly they are all frozen there so it’s hard to know which one it is
If I remember right, the “bus” had the same license plates as the RV.
Even if this “jury duty” excuse is true (what are the chances of that? This is Sarah Palin, queen of lies), what lawyer would want her on the jury? What judge would want her even in the courtroom (thinking… “circus”…”mistrial”)?
Me too. Wouldn’t that be a delicious scandal?
yes… perhaps a better idea for us to fight back with $$, is to start something with positive movement, like, every time, SP tweets anything about anything/or is on Fox News, donate $20 to Planned Parenthood, donate to a progressive (or moderate/smart) legislator, donate to your favorite charity, give to a homeless veteran, or buy a copy of Joe’s book and donate it to a public library… :-)… that would be the coolest revolution – if thousands of people did this, that way she would be losing ground, every time she opened her mouth, we gave money to her “opponents” – lol!… and at the same time it would empower progress and help those who need help…
I’d just like to know if she “loaned” the class C RV to the Tea Party to do their tour. It’s easy enough to “wrap” vehicles in promotional vinyl and change their appearance. This whole thing reminds me of when she did her book “bus tour” but was actually traveling by plane and Palingates had folks that tracked her plane via the tail numbers. The tags on the RV could have been as easily changed as the advertisements on it. I hold out hope that someone will come forth regarding this Tea Party bus/RV tour and find that they are using Palin’s RV, that was most likely purchased for her Sarah Palin’s Alaska TLC show.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bot as stupid as this one. We(over here on the normal side of life) are NOT fools like you. We see through you. It was immediate. Go away.
I would rather donate the admission fee to President Obama’s reelection campaign, or to the Wisconsin Democratic Party, anywhere but into her pockets.
Your use of ‘delicious’ sounds evil — I love it!!
All of the above plus an additional 10 or more entries.
P.S. Where the bus?
Agree it’s like voting for Joe Miller to get the Democrat in. Almost turned into a disaster. Better to stay true to your own values.
If she does not know how Jury duty actually works she has managed to get out of it in privileged ways in the past. ….otherwise she would know how easily it can be simply delayed. Bad lie.
Maybe Sarah will be being judged by the jury and not serving on it! Linda Beigel on Mudflats is saying there is a rumor the the whole clan has moved back to Alaska, and both houses are being rented out in Arizona. says:
June 22, 2011 at 3:31 PM
I am hearing totally unconfirmed rumors that the tour has stopped, $arah is back in Alaska, and both Palin houses in AZ will be rented because of problems for the Palins looming on the horizon. I have NO idea if they are correct or not but I thought it was an interesting tidbit.
Supporting Bristols charming book makes sense. It’s quite funny and down to earth. I recommend you all read it. You see the real side of the people you assume you know.
Also I saw Undefeated tonight. There are amazing home videos in the beginning. Sarah was maybe the cutest and happiest child/teen ever. Adorable. She’s so natural when with her family its incredible to witness.
Supporting Bristols charming book makes sense. It’s quite funny and down to earth. I recommend you all read it. You see the real side of the people you assume you know.
Also I saw Undefeated tonight. There are amazing home videos in the beginning. Sarah was maybe the cutest and happiest child/teen ever. Adorable. She’s so natural when with her family its incredible to witness.
I don’t think anythings “up” in palinland. Bristols stoked about her tour. Everyone was at the house recently.
Lawrence O’Donnell Mocks Media For Believing Sarah Palin Bus Tour Isn’t Over
Joe, you must have hit a nerve, the ‘fairy tale trolls’ are out tonight. Bristle’s TMI book (memoir) is laughable. People with real life experience, other than drunken sex, write memoirs. But the undereducated Wasillabillies probably don’t know that…
Roll in the hay “modle” more like.
I’d be willing to bet that if it is the same bus/RV, that’s she’s renting it to them. SarahPac & the State of Alaska bought it, but she’ll be getting the rent money.
Jury duty? Fishing? Pshawwwww! Come on Sarah, can’t you do better than that?
Maybe Franklin’s wife cancelled their visit.
Love that response curious! You said it sooo much better than I did. 🙂 Can’t think of anything more appropriate for that bible-thumping, fraud of a Graham.
Dang, I need an edit button. “if it is the same bus/RV, she’s renting it to them.
Hey, Einstein, maybe you can get a gig on Newt Gingrich’s ‘campaign of bad ideas.’ Have you ever heard of “highest grossing,” or “lowest grossing” films? It doesn’t matter how many butts are in the seats, just how much $$$ they bring in. Tell your friends, the Palins, that we all say hello and eagerly await the release of Joe’s upcoming book. Here’s an idea! Why don’t you ‘bots’ all buy 2-3 copies of Joe’s book, then don’t read it!!?? Boy, that’ll show him! I’m in! Except I’ll read all my copies . . .
GRammy, to be blunt, what the fuck are you talking about? Trig is happy at home with his family. Why are people SOOO effing stupid?
The book is an easy read, a page turner. It pulls you in from the beginning. She’s upfront about her parental deceptions, which is a reoccurring theme. I think with an open mind everyone can relate, as everyone lies to parents at least once in their life. She paints a vivid portrait of her early life in Alaska, with personal stories and funny anecdotes. She doesn’t sugarcoat sibling spats but defends them as well. Track is her idolized, protective older brother, Willow is her beautiful, but slightly vain sister (look for the SPA comment that was editted out haha). PIper is the cutest kid who never fails to make people smile, and Trig is their beloved brother who doesn’t deserve the hate directed at him (and I can tell you there are plenty of people who direct hate at him. Most of relatively young)
Sarah is a “cool” mom (her friends do think this), Todd is an intimidating dad whom she cried to about Levi multiple times throughout the last 3 years. She corroborates truth about Sadie selling Tripps first pictures which I’ve heard from multiple people and that she didn’t allow anyone to have cameras in her hospital room.
She says herself, Willow and Todd were in the room with Trig was born. She also says they were at first confused and angry that the pregnancy was hidden from them. From the beginning she states she loves babies and cherished her baby sister and cousins.
Her Juneau stories are hilarious, as are the dilllingham ones from 07.
Honestly, teens can learn from reading this book, regardless of accuracy. The events laid out do make sense historically. Bristol is indeed a normal girl who couldn’t hide her problems from the world, who comes from a tight family. She vividly paints last summer and explains her demeanor in SPA. Given that I know she’s a “new woman” with a new lease on life, I believe her. The maturation process has done Bristol well.
About the campaign, she doesn’t trash the McCains. She does comment on the differences between her family and them (thats where the luxury comes in) but she doesnt’ badmouth them. She corroborates Meghan’s book actually. Meghan portrayed HERSELF as whiney and spoiled. Bristol does say Meghan was nice though. ALso, she was weirded out a woman would offer godparentage upon first meeting her. Nothing else remotely negative was spoken about the campaign except the horrible rumors, mainly concerning Trig. She often spoke of her gratitude that Levi was there and at other events.
The book is a good progression, kind of rushed at the end. She discusses her office job and making it on her own. She discusses the paps outside her condo that got vicious at one point.
She always falls back on family and admits her maternal relationship has grown substantially. But we’ve seen this.
that documentary is actually not bad. In the beginning there are amazing home videos showing a happy, curious Sarah Heath. Her childhood was one to be jealous of, purely an Alaskan experience. Bristol discusses the males in her family have a tendency to gravitate toward significant others with strong, tightknit families because of instability growing up. She references Todd and Chuck.
She does address critics like you and comes out on top. She only warns against making dumb decisions citing her examples or irresponsibility. There’s NO crime in that. Hopefully Levi will do the same thing because his story is even more effed up.
Rumors do far more harm than good. You should know that. Bloggers should know that. Authors should know that. They’ve all admitted being lied to by bad sources. For whatever reason.
So you admit YOU game the system with you review, even when you haven’t read the book or met the subject? You are worse than a bot. How can YOU sleep at night with all the judging?
OMG, amen to that. Plus, I’m thinking these trolls have to be paid, because it’s so rote and so bland. A real person doesn’t talk that way. They must cut and paste the same phrases and words on all the blogs.
Which Palin are you Justsayin. I say you are the Queen herself. Pardon me if I don’t bow down.
I have a deal for you Sarah. If you stay away, I’ll stop commenting about you.
Do you get paid by the word, by the responses, or just a flat rate? I’m curious because I could use some extra cash, also, too.
Let me jot this down so I get the story straight….Bristol is mature, Willow is beautiful, Sarah is cool, and Mercede, Levi, and Meghan McCain are trash. Did I get that right? By the way, can I keep that short list or is it better to extend it, to Joe McGinnis the Piper-peeper, Margaret Cho the perverted jealous dancing rival, etc, etc. Let me know who are the most updated people to hate, because I don’t want to waste any time with folks who are old news.
Welcome to new media Justsayin. More often than not, true stories are published in blogs and then the main stream media runs with the story. Since the main stream media has had so many cutbacks, these patriotic Americans have stepped up to the plate to report what they know.
I d not think Jesus would approve of your language Justsayin. And Joe’s grandchildren might be reading this blog. Let’s keep it PG, eh?
That is, I do not think…………….
Here is my review of your daughter’s book Justsayin: She trashes the family of a well-respected Senator; a man who spent five years at as a POW.
Bristol’s book does not warrant any further discussion.
I’m sorry but this is absolutely ridiculous. Do you believe the froth that you wrote?
Because I don’t and either does anyone else who reads here. You all sound exactly alike, like Stepford wives.
That is how cult members talk. Do you even know this family? I’d like to know how you know that Trig is at home, happy with his family. Are you sure about that? Are you a family member? Or are you a Team Sarah robo writer?
I saw the call to action where Sarahs cult members were asked point blank and in great detail to go and write phony book reviews for Bristol. Do you think that really helps Bristol? Supporting her petty and vindictive comments, the way she blames others for her mistakes? This is called enabling, look it up.
I don’t know what you think you are accomplishing by posting these silly fantasy filled reviews everywhere. Because they are obvious. You all use the same talking points. The way you all follow like lemmings is really pathological. How sad for you that you are incapable of understanding that.
You sound as if you might have intimate knowledge of the Palin clan, Justsayin, so perhaps you can give us a glimspe of what happened behind the scenes when Shailey Tripp revealed that…. Mrs. Palin showed no signs of pregnancy during a massage that was given when Sarah claimed she was with child with Trig, and that…. Mr. Palin was a pimp.
Every other rumor & allegation levelled at the Palins has been acknowledged & commented on by them; why not these two? The silence is quite telling.
P.S. What has happened to RAM?
Jury duty? Why is she tweeting, reading blogs, internet, etc. How else did she find out that the story was out that she quit her bus tour. Is she on her Blackberry during the trial?
Seriously….isn’t this pretty easy to confirm. At least get some locals to go to the Courthouse and get photos of Palin arriving at the Courthouse.
Agree! This “review” is an excuse to try to create a time line where Bristol could not have given birth to Trig. I never thought Sarah was Trig’s birth mom, and was always on the fence about Bristol’s role. My current theory is she gave birth to Ruffles (FAS) and I have NO IDEA where the current Trig(s) have come from. The recent effort from Palin’s camp to establish a time line makes me wonder. Protesting too much?
She is being threatened by someone who plans to out her lies if she keeps pretending she is running.
Please don’t tease us about one of the Palins being pregnant unless you are hinting at something. 🙂 This family is so crazy, I actually start wondering if it is true! Can’t anyone have a “normal” pregnancy in that family? You know an adult, married before conception, not concealed?
Oh! I forgot to add: She canceled her trip because she reads your blog and saw the pic of what it is really like in Sudan. Poor black people scare her!
Jury Duty ? Is that the best she can come up with ? How pathetic can this get ?
Is that you again $arah??
THAT is a really great idea!!
HA!!! I nominated this as the best “bot bash” of all time. ^5 DK!
Todd and other family are refusing more “family vacations” for this year, it seems. Didn’t they have a fight and Todd and Willow left the “vacation” after mama flirted with all the bikers in DC?
And when you are bipolar and undiagnosed, you need crash time.
Then later, does the documentary explain what happened to that happy little girl to make her so mean and petty and vindictive?
Maybe actual Christians who donate to Samaritan’s Purse object to her trashy family outlined in Bristol’s book?
They are figuring out How to spin the divorce?
Trig looks like Levi, that is why we won’t see so much of him.
google images…..check out the photo of Trig from the AZ rally where she has the Party like it’s 1773 sign with her and then google Levi.
Did C4P send that comment to you or are you a Palin??
How would you know every single detail of the book AND family??
Go away.
We won’t drink the Kool Aid. We know the truth and don’t buy your bullshit.
Why don’t you go comfort $arah (unless that’s you, $arah?). $he’ll be needing some comfort soon.
Tell that to your Queen! The rumors about Trig and Bristol and Levi and Keith Johnston could all go away and would never have started in the first place if she had let the reporter from the very friendly local paper see the birth cert, photos and other proof.
She likes the rumors.
they serve her narrative of being picked on
but for the sake of the kids she should prove who Trig is and stop all the speculation about her family.
Which family would that be?
So then what happened to that happy little girl to turn her so mean? THAT’s the story the film should have covered.
I agree. Franklins wife might have put the screws on Franklin, and put her foot down on travels with pure as the driven snow Palin who has a penchant for flirtatious behavior. I doubt Franklin can afford to divorce given his calling. Sarah could shed Todd with less fallout.
All rumors of course like Trigs parentage.
But rumors can make people in long term monogamous relationships act, even if they are rumors in rag tabloids. Sarah has a wandering eye, and seems to have both the knack and the desire for stirring up the men she comes in contact with.
Sigh…..no one hates or attacks Trig. People don’t believe the birth story and they see the way he was hauled around like a mascot on the campaign and book tour.
if she loved her family why won’t she prove who Trig is and stop the ugly speculation? Isn’t three years of stonewalling enough?
Don’t most honest, normal people honor their ‘first’ commitment?
As, you told Franklin Grahmn that you would go to the Sudan on X dates. Anything that comes after that is secondary. You honor your commitments. That is what honest people do, they don’t cancel when better plans come along.
How many times has she pulled that same old same old?
Skimmed through the Bristols memoir outlined. Now no ones needs to wade through the book but confirmed bots.
Ditto the outline of the Undefeated. Sarah was a cute little kid, not so cute preteen or teen, then got dental work and some plastic help (tatooed lips, fat injections?) with her upper lip so that her smile is great, and she is what we see in photos as photogenic Sarah Palin.
Nothing wrong with that, seems the usual progression of celebutants in Hollywood.
Why should anyone here buy a ticket to see what will end up on youtube?
What a crazy bot idea to pad her revenue.
Or buy a ticket to leave an empty seat? No one cares. Look at Wisconsin. 10 to 1 booing Sarah Palin, They ignored the thousands who booed, and showed the hundreds who cheered her.
She feels no obligation to fulfill her term as governor of Alaska, but we’re expected to believe she feels an obligation to fulfill her “civic duty” and serve on a jury in Alaska?
I think she’s making up jury duty as a way to explain her appearance at the courthouse for her divorce proceedings.
She doesn’t not trash them. She comments on the same things Meghan’s discusses in HER book. Please read the book, even if you have to steal it or read it in the store to avoid financially supporting her.
Joe, with all due respect (or not considering the trashy gossipy tale you’ve written), how is this book considered trash when it consists of: heartwarming family tales, honest confessions that things aren’t perfect but they’re good, honest observations on the events she’s experienced, and confessions related to painful mistakes?
To everyone: none of us know Bristol, or her family. What gives you the right to judge? Do you judge celebs penning their confessions and repenting their mistakes? Why is this girl different?
No one has ever hated on Trig on any of the blogs I’ve read..why don’t you show us proof of this. If anything we all feel sorry for him, being hauled around like a sack of potatoes and used as Sarah political prop and shield. I only hope he is happy and loved with “his” family and is getting the therapy he needs . Strange that Sarah hasn’t talked about how he is progressing, in fact she doesn’t mention him at all anymore, wonder why that is.
palin, honor? hahahaha
The one thing I really like is the comment regarding she (Brisket), Willow and Toad were in the room when Trig was born. Sort of a clever “truth” because Sara’s presence is implied but never stated. So it’s possible she isn’t lying and like most Borderline Personalities, they love to tell a lie that sounds like it’s the truth. I assume Sara was in the hallway working her BB’s when Trig popped out. Where is Trig btw? Where are the birth photo’s? So many people in the room and not one camera? Nice try Sara/Brisket/Ivy but I’m not buying the story you weave or the stupid book
I can’t wait until you totally go off the rails and shave the rest of you hair off lou sarah! 🙂
I’ve come to the conclusion after reading whatever excerpts are out there that no one needs to read this memoir that is selling for a bit over 12$ (Levis is still listed at about 16$).
I’ll agree, Levi sounds like a jerk. He even has admitted he was a jerk. Is that worth 12$ of anyones hard earned money?
Somehow I doubt it.
What seems to be in it. Sarah and Todd think Levi is a jerk.
And now Bristol agrees that her childs father is a jerk, and she wants the entire English speaking world to know Levi is a jerk, and their son to know it too, once he is old enough to go to school and hear it from his classmates.
Or will he be isolated and home schooled with Trig?
Aren’t the parents obliged to be civil and not trash each other according to their court agreement?
Fairy Tale Trollpalooza . . . .
cause she is a ho!
Excellent idea! (Which I’ve seen on all the other blogs–sooo transparent!):
Hey, “Cassie,” why don’t you suggest this brilliant idea to all the others in the Sea O’ Pee? Tell them to get out there and buy MILLIONS of copies of Joe’s book, “The Rogue”–you know, to take them off the shelves, so others won’t be able to get their hands on it and learn more about events in Palin’s life which might contradict the message in that other movie you keep referencing. It’s not like the publishers will go and print more books if they go flying off the shelves, right? Think how that will hurt the anti-Palin cause! Got to hand it to you–that IS brilliant! Why don’t you float that idea over there? It just might work!
If she’s getting nervous about doing DNA testing on a raft of people up there it leaves me wondering what they are afraid of. Seems to have struck a nerve with a Palin or a bot.
Definitely struck a nerve. Let’s hope that little dude or little multiple dudes they used for the photo ops are loved and with families that give them good care
She accuses Levi of date rape, repeats all of her mother’s lies about Trooper Wooten ( you DO know that Chuck Heath helped butcher that illegally shot moose and palin herself most likely had some of that moose-chile) and says very petty mean-girl things about other people.
ugly, petty, victim trash like her mother’s books
Perfect, another lie of omission – happy with “a family” but not necessarily the Palin mob.
HMMM. The bots are out.
I don’t need to read it to know it’s a waste of money.
I would much rather eat a good lunch out, and talk about something other than Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston.
Reading bits on the net is free.
And our opinions?
We aren’t judge or jury, and she isn’t on trial.
We are allowed our opinions?
Sarah, er, uh “Justsaying” said:
June 23, 2011 at 2:43 pm
She doesn’t not trash them. She comments on the same things Meghan’s discusses in HER book. Please read the book, even if you have to steal it or read it in the store to avoid financially supporting her.
“She doesn’t not trash them” – you got some of them there double negatives going on, Grifty. In other words, ” she DOES trash them” – that’s what you really mean to say, amirite?
And listen, if I’m stealing anything, it surely won’t be the dreck you, I mean, uh, Bristol wrote. I’d rather have a beer with GWB than read ANYTHING you write. And that’s saying something. Trust me on that.
oh sarah, you need to settle down. take one of your anti-pschotic pills and lay down on the couch with the bear skin and a damp cloth on your head. believe me things are about to get worse.
I heard of a threat of that nature as well.
Justsayin, your volatility exceeds your rationality.
How christian and moral. Suggesting anyone steal Bristol’s memoirs because they are such edifying reading?
Bizarre bots.
Anyone wanting to read this Me and Levi the gnat and jerk argument, can sit down at Borders or Barnes and Noble over a cup of java and skim through it in about 5 minutes. Fast enough to know it isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. It will get to the dollar tables fast enough if anyone thinks it is worth buying.
Perhaps some librarians will get the book in stock. Easy enough to read in a library.
But suggesting stealing the book? Bizarre.
I’d like to elaborate on your comment carrollt, the palins would still be unheard of trash from podunk wasilly if not for the McCains. Who cares about the governor of one of the most corrupt, sparsely populated states anyway? Most likely airhead palin would have served out her governorship and continued to grift the Alaskan people out of as much cash as possible. bristle would have either married levi after the second pregnancy or he would have headed for the hills. Maybe sarah and tawd would have allowed her to remain in their house if she got up off her butt and got a job. Willow would probably be in Jesus camp somewhere. Track would have relocated to be as far a way as possible from this dysfunctional family. Piper would be the built in baby sitter for brisle’s kids. Tawd would still be working on the northern slope and frequenting massage parlors and gay bars when he was home. The rest of America would be unaware of the the hateful, divisive bullet they dodged, and McCain would have come much closer to being leader of the free world without the albatross we know as sarah palin around his neck.
Granny had to cancel the short bus tour because black matted hair and a pair of eye glasses were found caught up in the axle.
The fact that you admire and defend this skanky high school drop-out who has accomplished nothing on her own, other than to capitalize on her mothers notoriety speaks volumes about you. What we are witnessing is just another Payme doing what they do best. Engaging in lies and very questionable behavior and then playing victim all the while lashing out at any criticism in as viscous a manner possible. In addition to the other pathologies this “family” suffers from, there is an obvious obsession with sex. I’d be willing to bet that part of $arah’s psychos is rooted in being molested as a child. Very probably by her father and if you notice, her default language when responding to her critics is always sexual inuendo.But all of this conjecture and speculation is ultimately moot because $arah will never hold elected office again and her daughter is the laughing stock of the nation.
excellent comment lilly lily. Wish I could fan and fave you!
troll alert…
ram crawled out from under the bus?
Devoice would be a godsend. I just wish we could devoice the whole family.
Hi Justsayin! Thanks for putting the stamp of recognition on my suggestion about DNA. I see by your careful phrasing that you’re still trying to stay behind the arras. Come out, $ARAH! We all know that you, long past your tubal ligation, did not give birth to that little boy. And I strongly suspect that you/your family have had the tests done, and you DO know who fathered TriG. There are a suspicious number of Alaskans who have moved to Arizona. Keith Johnston. . . . Dylan Kolvig . . . . .
I love Lawrence! He doesn’t pull any punches. I think he and Rachel are some of the most incisive people on TV.
You always repeat yourself in a second post? Kind of think you must the the Queen Mother herself since she retweeted and old tweet about going on tour. You need to get RAM back, she may have been a complete bitch and hates your daughter but at least she didn’t repeat herself
“honest confessions that things aren’t perfect but they’re good, honest observations on the events she’s experienced”
Then you go on to say that “none of know Bristol…”
Well, then, there is no way for you to know that what she is saying is “honest.”
Also, her trashily ghost-written “memoir” conflicts with previous versions of events as described by assorted Palins. I don’t care which Palin is lying regarding a particular event; I just know that Palins lie. Repeatedly, boldly, even when there is no reason to lie. So do try to understand. We are not buying the lies you are trying to sell.
Joe, you had to put up with a lot of difficult stuff last summer: the mosquitoes in Wasilla must be really awful, but the constant buzz of the Palin family “dramazzzz” next door and online must have been excrutiating. I am looking forward to reading your book and I appreciate the way this blog lets us work our way through the swamp of MatSu valley trash to figure out what is real and what is not.
Last night: Countdown with Keith …: Worst Persons: Gingrich & Palin
I’m sure the Sudanese Christians are still looking forward to Franklin Graham’s visit…because you have to be a Christian in order to qualify for his help. He only offers his skimpy assistance (always contingent upon the sick people accepting Christ as their savior) which includes a tract with some Bible verses on it. Because that’s what you need when you have been eating grass for dinner.
Then he flies away on a private jet to continue his millionaire lifestyle.
And back at you, GB! They make it so easy, eh? And “pinhead’s” idea is great, too! Empty the shelves of Joe’s books so they can’t be found . . . Ha! That’ll show him! Make “The Rogue” #1 on the NYT bestseller list. And I mean THAT seriously! Go Joe!! And thanks for your valiant pursuit of Truth.
or to Planned Parenthood…
There are so many reasons she could have cancelled this trip. But my favorite would be RAM blowing up and threatening to spill everything. If only!!
Doesn’t it bother you that Bristol exposed you – I mean Sarah – as a liar at least twice in her book? Or is Bristol the one lying? According to her, Levi DID live in the Palin house, and he WAS present when his son was born. Maybe you could set the record straight for us. Who’s lying?
If you’ve Googled your way here to find out the name of the married man in the “Sarah Palin Falls for Married Man” story, it’s Franklin Graham.
Yes, the Reverend Franklin Graham, son of the legendary pastor Billy Graham. According to the Globe, the former VP candidate and the preacher are “extremely close friends,” with a “cozy relationship” that makes the Globe’s source think, “It ain’t all politics!”
Sarah Palin defended Franklin Graham when he was disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer services last year for calling Islam “a wicked religion.”
Franklin Graham defended Sarah Palin in January when she was accused of inciting the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords by posting a “target list” of lawmakers to defeat in the 2010 elections.
They defend each other “like loving spouses,” the Globe’s source said, calling it “bizarre.”
The really bizarre part is that this story isn’t about sex at all, it’s about taxes. Specifically, it’s about tax-exempt status.
Since 2009, Sarah Palin has been flying around on airplanes owned by Samaritan’s Purse, the charity run by Franklin Graham. She used one of its planes to fly from Virginia, where she was at a book-signing event, to North Carolina, where she had dinner with the Rev. Billy Graham and his son. She also traveled with Franklin Graham to Haiti, and she has flown with him in Alaska, where he now has a second home in Port Alsworth.
If she’s a candidate, a tax-exempt charity that flies her around in its private planes could be in trouble for violating some part of the tax laws, or some part of the campaign finance laws, or maybe even an FAA regulation, who knows. It’s not the kind of trouble that will sell tabloids, that’s for sure.
This line is very suspicious, especially if it’s written by someone who knows the Palins:
“Honestly, teens can learn from reading this book, regardless of accuracy. The events laid out do make sense historically.”
It does sound like somebody is trying to craft a specific timeline.
There is probably more than one uncomfortable situation that Granny P is having to deal with..
I have just read the Globe article on Franklin Graham and it looks like Graham Ministries is not happy with Frankie’s girl crush. I think he was supposed to be SP’s next “benefactor” once Fox realizes that she is a loose cannon and fires her.
I still think that she will end up as a television evangelist. Graham Ministries could have given her a huge boost in this field, but maybe someone in the organization has done a little research and noticed the ex-“soulmates” she has left behind with a knife in their backs, and wised up.
Over at IM someone commented that SP had a meeting with Roger Ailes, and that SP had a forced, nervous tone to her voice when she said this. If she is on thin ice with Roger, and Graham is giving her the cold shoulder, she may be in Wasilla to try and regroup.
Wait – “regroup” would be what a normal person would do. SP has an unshakeable belief in her power to charm. If she was in trouble with either of those men, she would buttering them up this very minute. Okay, I don’t have the foggiest notion what she’s doing in AK; she’s crazy so who knows.
Oh snap!